It's been months, but I've resurrected the blog for one post. I couldn't resist.
Dear Whomever,
Rob Ford is an awful human being. I'm not parsing words here (unlike a certain mayor I could name). Rob Ford is terrible. Rob Ford is really, really crappy. Rob Ford is just the worst.
There, now that the polite part of my letter is out of the way, let's get to the good stuff.
TO THE SUPPORTERS OF ROB FORD: If you still support him, you are stupid. Monumentally stupid. You should probably move out of Toronto so you don't pollute our gene pool with your stupidity. Evolution has left you behind. This has nothing to do with his politics, only his character and his actions. I want to be crystal clear on this point because I don't want anyone to get the impression that I'm joking or that I only sort of believe this. I can't emphasize this enough. If you still support Rob Ford you are seriously dumb. You don't deserve to be allowed to handle money or have children or have any sort of position of authority in your career or be involved in any other situation where you have even a scintilla of responsibility over anything. You shouldn't own a goldfish. You should probably be hospitalized and observed closely for the rest of your life. You are a liability as a person. Need I go on? Okay, I will. You are the most gullible group of morons to ever grace this planet. You make me wish chemical castration could be legally applied based on the comment section of the Toronto Sun's web site.
Do you think I'm being unfair to you? Let me spell it out for you in terms even you can understand. THE MAYOR WHOM YOU SUPPORT BECAUSE YOU THINK HE'S JUST A NORMAL GUY LIKE YOU AND THAT HE SAVES THE CITY AND YOU, THE TAXPAYER, MONEY IS ACTUALLY A SPOILED RICH BRAT WHO NEVER WORKED A REAL DAY IN HIS LIFE, WHO HASN'T ACTUALLY DONE MUCH OF ANYTHING AS FAR AS SAVING TAX DOLLARS, WHO HAS SCARED OFF SO MUCH INVESTMENT IN THE CITY OF TORONTO NOW AND IN THE FUTURE THAT YOU WILL PROBABLY END UP PAYING FAR MORE OUT OF POCKET IN THE COMING YEARS THAN YOU EVER HAVE, AND WHO, NEED I REMIND YOU, IS A LYING CRACKHEAD WHO HANGS OUT WITH GANGBANGERS, SOME OF WHOM END UP DEAD SHORTLY THEREAFTER. Is it sinking in yet? Should I kick you in the genitals several times in a row? It seems to me if I did you'd still hand me over your week's pay if I asked nicely enough and liberally sprinkled the words "gravy train" into my request. Holy shit you are the worst. Wake up before your families have you declared legally incompetent and try to get power of attorney over you. I don't think they'd have a tough time doing so.
TO THE RIGHT-OF-CENTRE TORONTO CITY COUNCILLORS WHO ARE FINALLY AT LEAST ACKNOWLEDGING THERE'S A PROBLEM BUT STILL INSIST THAT IT'S UP TO FORD TO DECIDE WHETHER TO STEP DOWN OR NOT (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, AUGIMERI): Fuck you, you cowards. Stop trying to play both ends against the middle and jump ship already. You really want to maintain that tiny shred of deniability should Ford pull through all of this? You're scum. I hope you all get herpes and then quit office when your spouses leave you because they themselves didn't give it to you.
TO KATHLEEN WYNNE: Not to put too fine a point on it, ma'am, but grow a pair already. Saying that this is municipal business and having your caucus stay out of it is bullshit politicking. I know you think it's better to have Ford in office to kick around during the next election but by that rationale you're completely abdicating your responsibility. You are the only one who maybe has the power to take some positive action here and instead you're just saying "fuck it" and staying hands off. That blows. Be the province's leader instead of your party's and get your fucking ass in here and do something. Fuck.
TO ANDREA HORWATH: You can't actually do much of anything but you still have influence over the Liberals and you also saying the province should stay out of this is a load of shit. You're the goddamn NDP leader, say something. Otherwise I swear to you you will have lost my vote in the next provincial election, and you're the one who had it.
TO TIM HUDAK: I hate to say it, but kudos for actually taking a stand and saying Ford leave and get help. I still hate your party and your politics, but I respect that. Still, the fact you're cool with Doug running even after all of this just confirms my suspicion that you're not very bright or at the very least much more opportunistic than you are interested in what's best for the province you seek to lead, so yeah, fuck you too.
TO STEPHEN HARPER: You still suck. The fact you've issued orders to your caucus to STFU about this whole thing just proves that. Get hemorrhoids, jerkface.
TO THE TORONTO SUN: Hallelujah, you've seen the light! Well, sort of. You've actually just finally woken up to the fact you've supported a lying, scumbag crackhead all these years and you're feeling a little bad about that. But you still pepper your columns with lines about Ford getting help and then coming back to kick the asses of all those liberal, fancy downtown elites that vote for the lefties on council (you know, all those "elite" poor people, immigrants and single mothers those lefties help out). So yeah I still hate you.
TO EVERYONE ELSE: Now that a large part of the anger and frustration I've been feeling has been purged, I'd just like to say that I love Toronto, and I think it's unfathomable that a man whom not a single one of us would hire as a busboy knowing what we now know about his habits, his character, his propensity for lying at every opportunity, even his tardiness, can still be championed by a large segment of us as someone we'd like to remain in the mayor's office. It's mind-boggling. Open your eyes, there is something very, very wrong with this man.
AND FINALLY, TO ROB FORD: Don't you get it, dude? You're a joke. A worldwide joke. You have nothing left except a job no one wants you to have and you will never be able to keep long-term. Forget all the stuff you did and all the stuff you think you can still do. Why would you want to live as a punchline? Look at yourself and see what you've become. Go away, nobody likes you, and very few ever will. Get help. But go away.
Andrew Ryan Fox
Queen Bathurst
Dear QueenBathurst:
ReplyDeleteDon't Castrate... De-Amalgamate....
Don't Forcibly Sterilize ... Mobilize...
Viva Toronto for Torontionians! .... Time to Stop Etobicokers or Scarboroughns from draining our life's blood once and for all... Mega-City doesn't work....
I agree that amalgamation was a disaster. On the other hand it's not the people of Scarborough or Etobicoke's fault that they were amalgamated either. I don't think it's impossible to enfranchise these people without pandering to the basest instincts they have toward anger and resentment. If Ford hadn't been such an excellent stoker of suburban frustrations, and had instead ingenuously sold programs like the Transit City light rail plan to the suburbs as what they were - way more beneficial to the people in the outer neighbourhoods than the things Ford has actually pushed for - then I think things could have turned out much differently, megacity or not.
DeleteWell yeah, and if your grandmother had balls, she'd be your grandfather.
ReplyDeleteAwesome rant. De-amalgamation, however, ain't gonna happen. The megacity is a clusterfuck, but it's also useful to the province because it keeps Toronto kneecapped -- fiscally, administratively, and politically. Where's the motivation for anyone at Queen's Park, regardless of party, to empower the city and make it an effective locus of opposition?
I agree totally, unfortunately that ship sailed 16 years ago. Amazing how badly Mike Harris´s influence is still felt all these years later. As bad as Rob and Doug have been for the city, it´s not even a drop in the bucket compared to what Harris and Eves did to Toronto.
DeleteAs an aside, do you mind if I ask where you came across this blog post? I got almost no traffic on the day I wrote it, and then this morning it just exploded...
You are the king! Love it.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! An admirable and courageous post. I'm actively promoting it on Twitter, for whatever that's worth. :)
ReplyDeleteSharing the hell out of this.Well said.Love ya.
ReplyDeleteAwesome, thank you! May I ask where you saw it?
Deleteyou are bloody BRILLIANT. GOD I wish more people in this town were like you.
ReplyDeleteCalls people stupid then uses one of the biggest run on sentences I have ever seen
ReplyDeleteGood job moron, all you have proven (since there wasn't a single hint of a valid point or proof of a point) was that you can call people names, type in all caps and generally make yourself look stupid.
However you have gotten lots of compliments so you must be smart.
I am glad you have an opinion but I don't think you are stupid for it. Grow up
Well if you support Rob Ford still then I think you are stupid for it.
DeleteLOL, I didn't make any mention of my political stand point on any level...
Deleteand all you could say in response to what I said was to call me stupid again?
What are you 5 years old?
I don't live in Toronto so my level of give a fuck is 0. I was born here and still love my home town but I don't live there.
There is this little thing called freedom of will and if someone still wants to support someone who may or may not deserve it, so be it that is their right.
If your level of, what you so eloquently put, "give a fuck" is a 0 then why are you commenting? Is it to confirm exactly what the blogger has written?
DeleteIn specific, as was assessed, you seem to indeed be a monumental moron. Either be apathetic or take a stand- make a choice. But you already have by writing your responses and that you go on to say that you don't have a political stance is utter crap, not to mention cowardly.
Another example that you have provided of your stupidity - " I was born here and still love my home town but I don't live there. " Take a good long look at that sentence and pick out the mistakes in grammar and syntax. Really think hard on it... take your time.
And yes, you are correct, our beautiful and democratic country affords us all the right to our own beliefs - it's what makes this country great. I don't believe the blogger was suggesting that you not be given the right to think what you will. But to suggest that the writer hasn't a valid point is folly. It is a proven fact that he comes from new money, a rich kid with every privilege imaginable. He has made numerous racial, homophobic and elitist comments. He IS an international punch line - see Jon Stewart, Stephan Colbert and, (just so you don't accuse me of listing only liberal sources) take a look at how the far right of FOX news in the US is handling the subject. Rob Ford as well as your home town are being beaten down and tracked through the mud. At first it was on account of how Ford was handling himself but it has slowly drifted toward the absolute befuddlement that comes with the knowledge that a large percent, (of morons) want to keep a crack head in charge. I don't know about you but if I were an American investor, I would keep my money as far away from Toronto as possible while a crack smoker were in charge of a city that was comfortable with that.
But beyond all that -why in god's name do you care about someone who not only doesn't care about you but who doesn't even care about themselves?? Addicts need council and until he receives help he is nothing more than an accident waiting to happen. I have a terrible feeling this is going to end very badly with someone getting physically injured by the Honourable Mayor. That or he keels over and becomes a martyr. I'm not sure which is worse.
HAHA us Ford supporters laugh at idiot socialist/communists like you. We will make Ford mayor for a second term just tp put stupid pussy's like you in your place.Go back to your borg collective.
ReplyDeleteIt´s spelled ¨pussies¨ you lepton. Go back to the third grade.
ReplyDeleteAlso thanks for proving my point.
The point you never made?
DeleteYou seem to have forgotten about me up there^^ if you would like to have an intellegent conversation.
Unless you are incapable of that and only know how to partake in name calling like a third grader, as you so eloquently put it in your last post.
The point that Rob Ford supporters, i.e. the person I responded to with the above quote, are morons. I think I made THAT point very, very clearly.
DeleteAs to your other comment, of course they have the freedom of will to support Ford, just as I have the same freedom to call them stupid for doing so.. I´m not sure exactly what your issue is with my freedom when you seem to champion theirs so freely, but yeah, anyone, regardless of his politics, who still believes Ford is fit to be the mayor of Toronto is an idiot. This is my free opinion, which I expressed on the blog I created.
There we go, now that was an intelligent well put together reply with valid points.
DeleteI have no issue with your freedom to do whatever you want.
I just found it amusing that you had made no valid reasons/points as to why a Ford supporter is stupid, you just said they were.
I also found it amusing that like I said before, all you managed to do was go off on a tirade and call people (that you don't know) names (judging them without knowing them) and judging a situation that really doesn't affect you (based on the fact you live in Mexico)
You said you wish they (Ford supporters) would move out of Toronto so they wouldn't pollute "our gene pool" which wouldn't really help as they would still have kids and those kids could very likely move to Toronto...or heaven forbid Mexico.
I thought it was pretty obvious that that was hyperbole in the service of rhetoric - I´m also not actually advocating that Toronto Sun commenters be chemically castrated.
DeleteThe situation does affect me because I´m on temporary work assignment in Mexico, which doesn´t change the fact that my house, my family, where I pay my taxes and where I vote are all still in Toronto.
As for valid reasons, there is an entire internet of valid reasons for what Ford has done in detail that I didn´t think needed to be reiterated fully for the (few) people who read this blog, since they´re all politically savvy enough to know what´s going on. Which is why I let sentences like ¨I think it's unfathomable that a man whom not a single one of us would hire as a busboy knowing what we now know about his habits, his character, his propensity for lying at every opportunity, even his tardiness, can still be championed by a large segment of us as someone we'd like to remain in the mayor's office¨ and ¨LYING CRACKHEAD WHO HANGS OUT WITH GANGBANGERS, SOME OF WHOM END UP DEAD SHORTLY THEREAFTER¨ speak for themselves.
Fair enough. However that being said voters made a choice and he got voted it. Unfortunately we live in a democratic society and that is how our system works. I think he should continue. With the rest of his term.
DeleteThen if people are still unhappy (I don't see how they could be anything but unhappy) they have the ability to vote for someone else.
Or maybe just maybe he will spend some time, get help, get himself cleaned up and run in the next election, and if people feel they can trust him maybe he will be voted in again, and maybe he will do a good job, if he is allowed to do his job uninhibited by whatever.
Either way my point is regardless someone that makes a decision on a vote and supports him, or doesn't support him, but doing it as an informed decision, being open minded to both sides and taking an objective look at the situation, is not stupid for coming to that decision.
People that didn't vote, or fouled their ballet and then complain about him, or support him now, are the stupid ones.
Yes, someone who sees a mayor that smokes crack, breaks the law on several occasions that have been proven and several dozen more that have been alleged, keeps none of his promises, makes his city a laughingstock, and lies through his teeth over and over and over again (provably) and then votes for him again is stupid. I get that you want to argue for the sanctity of the freedom to vote however you wish, and I don´t deny these morons the right to do so. Doesn´t change the fact, if your wife fucks all of your friends and lies to you about it, over and over and over again, and never keeps her promise when she says she won´t ever do it again, and you still renew your vows with her, you´re an idiot.
DeleteI agree
Deletethat being said what do other politicians do that we don't know about. Either because they are better liars/better at hiding it, or because no one has tracked them or phone calls or done aerial surveillance on them. Was it justified in this situation? Maybe...was it a good use of taxpayers money...that remains to be seen.
Is he an embarrassment to Toronto? I would say in relation to recent events yes. Prior to that no. Will the rest of the world remember Toronto for Mayor Rob Ford in a year or two? No
The only reason the world knows about it is due to our technological age where everything can be found and shared on social media. If it wasn't for that no one else would have even heard of this nor would they have cared.
His relative shittiness as compared to other politicians is irrelevant to a discussion as to whether he himself should be given the benefit of the doubt.
DeleteOh don't get me wrong I don't think he should be given the benefit of the doubt.
DeleteHe clearly has problems that need to be addressed.
I was a Ford supporter however now I am very wary of the situation. I am not taking sides. I want to see how this plays out.
I don't think we have heard all the details and I like to be informed.
I think however he should finish his term and after that it is up to the voters again.
Either he can continue to hang his career, or he can maybe do something to improve his position. Will it be enough to sway voters probably not, but who knows.
I think he has done some pretty awful things, but I also don't think he is the only one to blame here.
Obviously he alone is the only one who is responsible for his actions and he alone can rectify them.
I wouldn't say I am currently a Ford supporter, I support his intentions and agenda. I do not support his actions.
I however am curious to see what he does, and I like to have my faith rewarded. (I personally don't see that happening)
If I was able to vote in Toronto (I live and work here but my address is still listed out of Toronto) would I have voted initially for him? Yes, would I again? Right now? No. Could he do something that would cause me to vote for him again? Yes. But it won't be easy and I don't think he can manage it.
I am curious to know what you thought of Ontarians after Dalton McGuinty got in for his 3rd time...I was beating my head against a table.
I wouldn't have (and didn't) support McGuinty either, I was always a pretty ardent Howard Hampton supporter. The Ontario Liberals are pretty awful.
DeleteI don't think there's anything Ford can do to redeem himself. He's lied too many times. You can't just say "hey. I was drunk" or "hey I had a problem" and explain away years of shady practices. And wait until the Anthony Smith stuff comes out.
As for Ford's political agenda, I've very carefully avoided painting anyone who believes in conservative ideas as idiots (I disagree with them, but I can respect the differing viewpoint). But Ford's claims of living up to that agenda are also false, as has been enumerated in several publications (such as here - and here - but whatever, politicians failing to live up to campaign promises is hardly something new. My concerns are the following:
the breaking of both conflict of interest and campaign finance laws, and the fact that two people have been shot and one has been thrown off a balcony, all of whom are related to the video that Ford claimed never existed but we now know did, and the homophobia, and the racism, and the extortion attempts, and the fact that he refuses to answer simple questions like what was in the bags he was being delivered in parking lots at 2 in the morning or why he was paying the utility bills for a crackhouse, and the numerous, undeniable, unassailable, provable instances where he's wilfully misled the public for his own personal political gain.
I believe that if someone, right now, and without a) a FORTHRIGHT, solid, total, and justifiable explanation for all of these things and b) some SERIOUS, unassailable evidence that these practices are in the past, looks at Ford and see's him as still worthy of support, they are as gullibly stupid as it is possible to be. And I will continue to say so in the strongest possible terms.
Then you and I ARE on the same page.
DeleteI wanted to make sure your rantings were not just that. It sounded unfounded and judgemental, but it is clear you have thought about this and know your facts (something a lot of people these days don't take the time to do)
I wanted to be sure you weren't just another Ford hater jumping on the bandwagon.
I am also glad to see you are able to carry on a discussion on the internet without it falling apart into a stupid heated argument and name calling (something again that is not very common)
I am also glad to see that however slim the chance you accept that there is still a small chance that (in your opinion) it would become acceptable for someone to support Ford again.
Thank you for taking the time to give me calm intelligent civilized responses.
I googled your name and found that you also aspire to be a stand up comic. Based on the Youtube video I viewed, I wouldn't recommend you give up your day job. My bad, you don't seem to have a real job.. other that writing long rambling posts full of bile and venom.
ReplyDeleteSuck it up buttercups, Rob Ford will will the next election as well.
Love you too, darling. Have a good one!
DeleteSanwin you're loser! You're cutting up the blogger and taking personal shots at him. Meanwhile Rob Ford has treated us all like shit! However you stick up for Ford?!!! Really ?! Is it bc u smoke crack and talk about killing people like Ford does? He humilated and embarrassed his family and friends with his lying and disgraceful behavior! He disrespected everyone in Toronto and lied repeatedly until he absolutely had no choice but to apologize. He even made The View with Barbara Walters and the entire panel of hosts and the audience said he should be fired!!! I supported Ford he threw it in my face! How can what he has done be good enough for you?
DeleteLove it - Australia is laughing at, not with. The longer you allow this clown to be in power, the more the rest of the world laughs at you.
ReplyDeleteIt must be difficult carrying all that hatred and negative energy around . If so many stupid people are Ford supporters I hope you can handle the reprisal. Flat out you're a bully. Why don't you spend some time and energy on making a real change? Heck, go to the Philippines to provide aid to those in need.
ReplyDeletehey if you so tough through a blog I support Rob Ford if you think you could hit me in the balls on even think you could call me stupid to my face I welcome your invitation heres my email come on a try tough guy
ReplyDeleteWow, I literally couldn't even have paid someone to write a more perfect comment proving every one of my points. Congratulations, you are the personification of the stupid Ford supporter. Why don't you challenge me to some more fights, really lean into the stereotype. Dumbass.