So I was just sent the link to this
HuffPost story by an anonymous commenter. Apparently there are more copies of the Rob Ford crack video, so even if the dealers got paid by the Ford brothers for it, they may still have a duplicate kicking around.
Well I have a message for those dealers - how about instead of taking the $200,000 from Gawker (since that money goes to charity if they don't give it to you), you REALLY stick it to the man and send it to me instead.
Queen Bathurst is a brand new blog, that's received approximately 800 page views in its first full day. That's nothing, obviously. But hey, wouldn't it just be amazing to break this massive, world-wide story on some tiny site? I mean, who doesn't want to give the finger to big media by helping out some nobody with a Blogger account?
In exchange, I'll give you $200 (Canadian, or 2400 Mexican pesos if you prefer) and a two-four. Any beer you like. Even some fancy imported shit.
That's a pretty good deal, no? Especially if you've already been paid once for it.
It would sure be one hell of a coup for us.
So whaddya say?