Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rob Ford Broke Several More Laws Last Night And Queen Bathurst Has Filed A Complaint With The City Of Toronto

If that was a set up to watch the Fords fail, Sun News certainly went about it in a funny way.

Yesterday we told you about our reasons for believing that the Ford Nation "reality show" that aired last night on SNN was the worst kind of crass commercialism/carnival sideshow.  I also mentioned the opinion of Sun columnist and political strategist Warren Kinsella that the show was aired specifically so that the Fords' could fail and make their situation worse.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sun News' Ford Nation: Carnival Sideshow? Network Setup? Illegal Campaign Contribution? Or All Of The Above?

Tonight marks the debut of one of the all-time world champion assholefests you or I are ever likely to see in our lifetimes.  Ford Nation, Sun News Network's "reality show" starring our hopefully-soon-to-be-erstwhile mayor and his hopefully-soon-to-be-struck-with-a-permanent-case-of-laryngitis brother, kicks off this evening at 8 PM.  This will be some kind of something.

Friday, November 15, 2013

If I Was Robyn Doolittle

Today has been pretty slow thus far as compared to yesterday.  Some interesting things did happen of course--Council stripped Mayor Ford of his committee appointment powers and his emergency management powers.  Ford in response gave a speech about how he totally gets it and he'd do the same, except of course he has to support himself so instead he's going to challenge the maneuvers in court.  He then decried the cost to the taxpayers of that court challenge--the one he's bringing himself.  You can't make this stuff up.

Anyway from this point forward Norm Kelly is basically the acting mayor.  By Monday, when motions to remove Ford's office budget, his ability to hire and fire staff, and his seat on the executive are passed, he'll literally just be a guy in Council called "Mayor" who can make his one vote on motions and not much else.  So I hope he enjoys the title.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Rob Ford Is A Cracked Out, Coked Up, Staff Attacking, Woman Harassing, Pussy Hunting, Hookering, Drunk Driving, Racist Tosspot With Ties To A Murder. Now Sue Me Because I Ain't Being "Careful"

"Be careful on what you write."
- Rob Ford, November 13, 2013

It's D-Day.  Nuclear Wednesday.  Armageddon.  Whatever the fuck.  It's one hell of a day, anyway.  Ford was verbally demolished in council (not that it mattered all that much since no one can actually force him to do anything at all) and admitted he'd bought illegal drugs.  Then the new Lisi ITO was dropped, sans a whole ton of the redaction from the last version.  And that's when shit got CRAZY!

Rob Ford Knew Anthony Smith, Says Staffer

Anthony Smith, one of the men in the infamous photo of Rob Ford in front of 15 Windsor Road, the alleged crack house, was shot and killed on March 28, 2013.

Today Rob Ford claimed he only met him the once and didn't know who he was.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Does The Already-Legendary Second Rob Ford Video Not Actually Exist?

From a brief Twitter exchange with Toronto Star crime reporter Jennifer Pagliaro, who is at the courthouse while the fate of the release of the Rob Ford crack video is decided: